(336) 242-1527 ext. 1207

Leigh Jones, Chief Academic Officer

Stacy Holden, Federal Programs Coordinator
336-242-1527 ext. 1212
The elementary school curriculum in Lexington City Schools includes pre-kindergarten through fifth grade. The classroom teacher provides instruction in all academic areas through a variety of flexible grouping strategies, lessons, and activities. The individual needs of young learners are met through explicit instruction and differentiation of the North Carolina State Standards.
There are four major subject areas which are taught in the elementary schools (English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics, Science and Social Studies). All elementary schools in LCS provide a daily 3 hour ELA block and a daily 90 minute math block. Several non-negotiables in Lexington City Elementary Schools are whole group math and reading instruction, small group math and reading instruction, Cognitively Guided Instruction, Teacher Directed Reading, Formative Assessments, Benchmarks and Vocabulary Instruction. The LCS elementary staff is committed to providing a challenging and fun educational experience that encourages collaboration, critical thinking and academic risk taking for all students to prepare them to be successful in our ever changing world.
LCS elementary students also receive daily recess, music, art, PE, Guidance, and Media.
The Secondary Curriculum and Instruction Team provides instructional and curriculum support to the Middle and High School. The team collaborates with the Administrators, Teachers, and Support people in each school to ensure ALL students are receiving an exceptional learning experience on a daily basis. The team facilitates the development of pacing guides, professional development opportunities, and participates in professional learning communities with teachers and staff in an effort to maximize the learning environment.