2025 Open enrollment for The State Health Plan is September 30 - October 25, 2024!
Beginning January 1, 2025 The State Health Plan will transition from Blue Cross NC to Aetna. Please read below for important information:
During open enrollment, all members will need to participate in Open Enrollment, including new employees who have recently signed up for health insurance.
Members will need to complete the tobacco attestation online during Open Enrollment in both plans to reduce premiums for both plans.
Because of the transition to Aetna, all members will need to select a primary care provider (PCP) during Open Enrollment.
Please visit
www.shpnc.org for more information including Open Enrollment out reach events across the state and upcoming webinars.
8 days ago, Terrie Holshouser
Important Update:
The LSHS Football Game will be held on Monday, Sept 2, 2024 at 6:00 pm at Philpott Memorial Stadium. Please come out and support our first home game. Thank you.
18 days ago, Terrie Holshouser
about 2 months ago, Webmaster
LCS Career & Technical Education Teacher of the Year!
Mrs. Tracy Beverly was named the LCS Career and Technical Education Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Beverly is a business teacher at Lexington Senior High School. Mrs. Beverly will represent Lexington City Schools in the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT) CTE Teacher of the Year program. The NCCAT CTE Teacher of the Year process was developed to honor and retain excellent CTE teachers and education leaders in North Carolina public schools and public charter schools. Congratulations, Mrs. Beverly!
5 months ago, Webmaster
Lexington Senior High School's very own was selected from hundreds of different SparkNC Scholars from 16 different high schools and Spark Labs all across the state of North Carolina to be featured on the SparkNC website!
Violet is a 10th grader here at Lexington Senior High School who is excelling in SparkNC (and pretty much everything else she does!) Please take a few minutes to check out the feature on SparkNC's official website below! Simply scroll down until you see the "Spark Scholar Spotlight" section, and then click on "Meet Violet" and then "Learn More About Violet''!
Let's celebrate this young lady and all of her academic successes!
5 months ago, Webmaster
"Where's the Bus App"
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Lexington City Schools school buses are now equipped with GPS technology that may benefit your household. The “Where’s The Bus” parent app lets you know precisely when your child’s bus will arrive at their stop. This app is free to all Lexington City Schools' households with students riding our buses. The system also enables the Transportation department to efficiently manage our bus fleet.
To use the “Where’s The Bus” app, download from the App Store (IOS/Apple), or Google Play Store (Android). You will be prompted to create an account. Select "Lexington City Schools" from the dropdown menu and provide your student’s information. If you do not know your child’s student ID, please contact their school for verification. Once your personal information has been verified by the school, and your child’s information is verified, you will be able to create an account and log in and access the app. Additional information on the “Where’s The Bus” parent app is included below.
I encourage you to try this exciting new technology, as we continually strive to provide you with the best possible transportation service.
Lexington City Schools Transportation
Note: To register, you must have the student ID number of each child. Student ID numbers WILL NOT be given over the phone, please take a photo ID to the school for the information.
Click the link for instructions on usage of the: "
6 months ago, Webmaster